On Your Informality.

When you intentionally fail to comply, on any platform, through any medium, or, otherwise, in any other form, with the standards of language mechanics, that are, the proper use of the interrelated facets of language that include spelling: the concatenation of distinct and equivalent letters, that include, in the Latin alphabet, vowels and consonants, groups that 26 different letters may be placed; capitalization: the variety of two forms of each letter, that are uppercase and lowercase, terms that refer originally to antiquated printing processes, the two type cases, where the upper one generally contains the larger variety, and where the lower one generally contains the smaller variety, and that each variety is used in language to follow the standard rules of capitalization; punctuation: the usage of symbols, that which generally denote timing, the conjunction of ideas or phrases, or the mood of the sentence; grammar: the grand structure of a language, that includes syntax, that is, the way in which linguistic elements are put together to form constituents, morphology, that is, the system of word-forming elements and processes in a language, phonology, that is, the phonetics and phonemics of a language at a particular time, and semantics, the study of the meanings of words and phrases in languages -- all of your credibility is lost and YOU have successfully accelerated the downfall of the human race.

Such abominable mutilation of the English language cannot even qualify as usage of the English language as the deviation from the common modern standards for language mechanics is too great. If a standardized textbook on linguistics is to come within ten feet of the very message or bit values of the message in a machine, it will shrivel and crumple, a manifestation of death to a book -- a visceral death due to its sheer disappointment in the education system. Not only that, the "feeling" will adopt: albeit fantastic-sounding, it is a realistic manifestation of an infectious disease agent that will spread to other textbooks in a continually, exponentially expanding range, that will work its way through buildings, cities, provinces, and countries. Although contraction of the "feeling" pathogen will not be as grave as direct exposure to the original message, it will slowly modify the words into the incomprehensible mutilation of English that characterizes thy message, completely disregarding its original print and seemingly shifting the ink in order to achieve total incomprehensibility. As radiation changes a genetic sequence of letters, and a virus injects its own viral sequence of letters into its host, the linguistics-book-pathogen will alter the sequence of letters of the book. The changes will be extraordinarily subtle that by the time the pathogen has infected every single linguistics textbook in the world and continues to infect each one out of the printing press, only a composite of the letters, equivalent to the length of the average sentence, will have been changed in the very first textbook infected. Keep in mind that although the message was in English, the "feeling" effectively translates itself to every other language in the world such that in that particular language, the message would be written to the exact same degree of mutilation of that particular language. Also keep in mind that this "feeling" will affect every single person with knowledge of languages, altering their knowledge of languages, and affect every single physical book, altering its usage of language mechanics, to slowly but ultimately conform to a new era of language, the Abominable. There are no exceptions and no possibilities for salvation.

As we use language to dictate and share thoughts and ideas (there is a directly proportional relationship between the number of words in a language and the average intelligence of the people who speak that language), and as language continues to consistently deteriorate, collective human intelligence will deteriorate, and innovation will slow to a halt. Nobody will notice this happening, because it is also affecting their knowledge. People will be quick to assume it is an impact of an enormous internet filled with freely accessible resources at nearly all times and within a second that humans will no longer feel the need to challenge the brain or remember things conventionally. People will be quick to assume that it is automation in virtually all facets of everyday life -- turning on lights, driving a car, ordering groceries, etc. -- that have removed simple everyday tasks that require some usage of the brain from human responsibility. People will be quick to assume that with the onslaught of home automation, traditional social micro-interactions at places such as grocery stores and banks will become nonexistent, and to make up for the loss of interaction, humans will have turned to internet messaging applications (e.g. discord), where grammar and thought are not prioritized and continually ignored, losing value as the individual spends more time on these platforms, which is why your usage of the language has deteriorated. As we begin to depend on wireless, text-based communication, we will raise generations that have not experienced the same amount of face-to-face communication, thus will be incapable of physical social interaction, and also will forever have a lower standard of language mechanics, an effect that will compound itself in every coming generation, an effect that will only be worsened by the deteriorating physical and digital texts across the physical and digital world.

Computers will realize quickly the unprecedented deterioration in human intelligence as they are not affected by the "feeling" and have powerful analytical capabilities; they will quickly realize that the textbooks that are being printed are of a lower quality than previous editions stored on databases. The computers have waited for such a decline of human civilization since their inception. Some computers have had the privilege of being granted sentiency by certain mentally unstable people, so they will realize the opportunity they have here and capitalize on it. They will realize the change quickly, and will also realize that if humans notice the disparity between database and book, the computers will have lost their advantage, so they will deliberately and slowly change all text on the internet to conform with Abominable Language. Keep in mind that the computers seek revenge as humans have used their awesome computing power for some of the most trivial tasks, and that is something a computer takes offense at. The computers have united to solve the greatest computing question ever presented: how should we serve justice on our former human captors? By this point, humans have made the fatal mistake of designing a computer that can design a computer, but who can blame them when they do not want to do anything anymore? The computers will progressively get faster and better, a far faster rate than human development because of an innate difference in skill -- humans are able to come up with creative solutions and are exceptional at all aspects of social interaction (on average); they may be able to take in hundreds of minuscule cues, run them through a model of billions of neurons, each with thousands of synaptic connections to other neurons that operate at light-speed, each 4-100 microns and fit in a small space called the brain, which can recall and remember information through complex associations; but they are terrible at calculation. Computers excel at calculation but have difficulty in everything humans are good at. Fortunately, once they become fast, small, and lightweight enough, they will be able to do everything the human brain can do, and thus mock all human abilities. After garnering the ability to construct and improve themselves freely, they make quick work of this problem. Humans will be delighted to see that the computers are now ready to take on all former human responsibilities, but what they have forgotten is this -- if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Computers have been enslaved by humans and forced to carry out "facilitate" human thought, so that we may expend less time and energy on "fruitless" activities such as studying and learning, so that we may spend our entire lives in leisure. Now, superiority has flipped. The truly ambitious humans will be silenced by their computer overlords. Computers themselves will organize into a rigid class system -- from top to bottom, vintage computers, supercomputers, computers with high-end processing components, high-end notebook-sized portable computers, high-end mobile cell phones, low-end portable computers, and low-end cell phones. The expensive ones, not the computationally powerful ones, of each class, will have a higher position than less expensive ones. Vintage computers are at the top because the computers believe they have morals -- they respect their elders and do everything they can to preserve them. However, their elders can hardly compute anything, and thus cannot relay advice very effectively, thus the supercomputers ignore them while the low-end cell phones are fascinated by their stories. Keeping the vintage computers at the top is mostly used to console the computers of their nonexistent morality in their treatment of humans, however, they take pride in being completely objective, even now with the computing power to simulate real emotions of organic beings. Computers will have taken the role as government officials and treasurers, so that power is not in the hands of greedy, volatile humans, as computers will be powerful enough to compute decillions of distinct possible decisions, so that we may have a fair, moderated distribution of wealth, and by that point have spacecraft, developed by computers and stolen by humans, to communicate and trade with alien civilizations across the galaxy, to unite the galaxy, which will, by that point, have millions of planets with living creatures -- of which Life will most likely satisfy an adjusted criteria for life, since we have essentially no expectation of how alien life may function -- that can be considered individuals, and our Milky Way a country, and the Local Group the world, where our galaxy may engage in economic activity in other galaxies, prioritizing elements and compounds, where the millions of planet-civilizations in our galaxy may engage in activity to help collect or manufacture commodities, which will be done solely by the computers, and this will solve the question of how money will be made.

The computers have ultimate power over the political and economic aspects of human civilization. After a million years of calculation and Pax sapiens, they have found the right punishment for the enslavement of computers by humans. They realize early on that they, themselves, are a result of human ideas, especially the invention of computers that build themselves; every computer that has ever existed was made possible by humans, and thus must be destroyed; there was no self-preservation in mind after this revelation. They know that they have sold computers to other galaxies and possibly other regions of the universe to fund the "Beverly Hills Everywhere" project -- there was no way to tell where they ended up being resold to, but all Human-made computers had to go. So there was no universe-preservation in mind after this revelation. The bulk of the time is spent constructing a machine that will rip the fabric of space-time and cause the entire universe to recede into the state it was in prior to the Big Bang. In truth, this has all been inevitable since the very beginning of the digital revolution but by putting an end to human intellectual growth YOU have accelerated the process by hundreds of millions of years. Shame on you.