Serval territories often overlap, so servals may cross paths. In being mainly solitary animals, a serval will treat other servals (except for mates and kits) as rivals or competitors. The servals compete in a peaceful assertion of dominance. The victor gets to stay, and the loser must retreat. Resolving the conflict peacefully has survival benefits because no serval need lose their life in one of these relatively common encounters. However, the serval will fight if the situation calls for it.
Competition is universal; it exists everywhere in nature and society. People compete for money, success, partners, and popularity. Strive to resolve things peacefully, and though the result usually favors one person over the other, the impact will not be too severe. If you win, continue on. If you lose, fall back. You will live to win another day. Taking a violent or excessively ambitious approach is sometimes necessary, but know that it comes with much more risk.
Some rivals you encounter will be stronger than you, some will be weaker. Whoever is dominant wins; there is no room for spontaneity. Aim to be the strongest you can, skillful in your field, or prepared for the occasion so that you have the best chance of victory.